X-Windows in Assembly Language: Part II - THE.UNIX.WORLD
Pubblicato da mammon_ il 03/1999
Livello intermedio


/* Questo articolo e' stato tratto dall'Assembly Programming Journal numero 3 */

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OK, let's face it: you've seen the tedium of XLib, one *has* to use widgets in order to get any programming done in XWindows. 'But this is assembly langauge', the masochist might point out. 'Aren't widgets a little Visual-Basicy?'
Not in the slightest. A widget is simply a C++ class exported for use --much like the windows API functions, only a little more object oriented...maybe a good comparison would be MFC or VCL. Xt, or 'X toolkit Intrinsics', is the interface that widget sets [such as Athena, Qt or GTK] use to interface with XLib. The Xt include files are in /usr/X11R6/include/X11, its libraries are in /usr/X11R6/lib, and its exported functions are all prefixed with "Xt".
For the following examples I will be using the Atehna widget set, which is supplied with XFree86. The include files for Athena are in /usr/X11R6/include/Xaw and the libraries are in /usr/X11R6/lib.
A barebones Xt/Athena app in C would run as follows:


#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
#include <X11/StringDefs.h>
#include <X11/Xaw/Command.h>

void Quit(w, client_data, call_data)    //CallBack function
Widget w;
XtPointer client_data, call_data;

int argc;
char **argv;
 XtAppContext app_context;
 Widget ShellWidge, ButtnWidge;
 ShellWidge = XtVaAppInitialize( &app_context, "toplevel", NULL, 0, &argc, argv, NULL, NULL);
 ButtnWidge = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("hellbutton", commandWidgetClass, ShellWidge, NULL);
 XtAddCallback(ButtnWidge, XtNcallback, Quit, 0);
// compile with cc -o xthell xthello.c -lXmu -lXaw -lXt -lX11 -L/usr/X11R6/lib
Pretty ugly, eh? This boils down to the following steps:
1) Create the top-level 'Canvas' widget [the window] ShellWidge = XtVaAppInitialize( &app_context, "toplevel", ..... )
2) Create the button widget ButtnWidge = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("hellbutton", ..... )
3) Register a callback for the button XtAddCallback(ButtnWidge, XtNcallback, Quit, 0);
4) Show the top-level widget XtRealizeWidget(ShellWidge);
5) Transfer control to the Xt message loop XtAppMainLoop(app_context);
The most interesting thing about Xt programming is in fact the callbacks. Instead of writing a message processing loop, you register a callback function for each widget and then pass control to Xt, which processes the messages for you and dispatches each message to the appropriate callback function. The callback receives a pointer to the widget that sent the message [the same argument as passed to XtAddCallback], a client_data pointer [the last argument passed to XtAddCallback, used to pass data from the main routine to the callback], and a call_data pointer, which contains information from the message [such as cursor or scrollbar position].
The calls themselves are pretty straightforward: XtVaAppInitialize initializes [sic] the X app and takes as its arguments a pointer to an XtAppContext structure, the class name of the application, application-specific command line options {args 3 and 4], argc, argv, a default resource-settings file, and a NULL to terminate the arguments list [the XtVaAppInitialize function actually takes a number of different parameters]; it returns a handle to the 'canvas' or 'top-level' widget, on which all other widgets will be painted.
XtVaCreateManagedWidget is used to create any of the Xt widgets [Athena, GTK, etc], and takes as its parameters the instance name, the widget class, the parent widget, and a NULL to terminate the arguments list; it returns a pointer to the created widget.
XtAddCallback is used to register a callback function with a specific widget; it takes as its parameters a pointer to the Widget, the callback type, the function being registered, and a pointer to client_data which will be passed to the callback.
XtRealizeWidget is simply used like ShowWindow in Windows; it takes a single parameter which is the widget to 'show'; it displays that widget and its children.
XtAppMainLoop takes the current application context [which was filled with the XtVaAppInitialize call] and turns control over to the Xt message processing loop. Note that the program does not have to return; in this example, the exit call is placed in the callback function.
Here is the same application written for NASM:


BITS   32
EXTERN XtVaAppInitialize
EXTERN XtVaCreateManagedWidget
EXTERN XtAddCallback
EXTERN XtRealizeWidget
EXTERN XtAppMainLoop
EXTERN commandWidgetClass

AppContext    DD    0
ShellWidge    DD    0
ButtnWidge    DD    0
ARGC    times 128    DB    0
ClassName DB    "toplevel",0
ButtnName    DB    "hellbutton",0
XtNcallback DB "callback",0 ;XtNcallback

    pop eax ; Xt_Pointer call_data
    pop ebx ; Xt_Pointer client_data
    pop ecx ; Xt_Pointer widget
    push dword 0
    call exit
;-------------------------- main
    mov eax, esp
    push dword 0        ;Number of Args
    push dword 0        ;Args
    push dword 0        ;Fallback Resources
    push dword 0        ;argv
    push dword ARGC        ;&argc
    push dword 0        ;Number of Options
    push dword 0        ;Options Array
    push dword ClassName        ;Class Name (String)
    push dword AppContext         ;Application Context (Ptr)
    call XtVaAppInitialize
    add esp, 36
    mov [ShellWidge], eax
    push dword 0
    push eax            ;Button parent (ShellWidge)
    push dword [commandWidgetClass] ;Button widget type
    push dword ButtnName    ;Button class name
    call XtVaCreateManagedWidget
    add esp, 16
    mov [ButtnWidge], eax
    push dword 0        ; client_data
    push dword bail        ;CallBack function
    push dword XtNcallback    ; callback type
    push eax            ;CallBack widget (ButtonWidge)
    call XtAddCallback
    add esp, 16
    push dword [ShellWidge]    ;Widget Handle
    call XtRealizeWidget
    add esp, 4
    push dword [AppContext]
    call XtAppMainLoop
    add esp, 4
This can be compiled with the following commands:

nasm -f elf xthell.asm
gcc -o xthell xthell.o -lXaw -lXt -lX11 -L/usr/X11R6/lib
Most of the operation is the same as the C file; naturally you must push dword 0's instead of NULLs...and do not forget to push the arguments in reverse order and to clean up the stack afterwards; this is C after all and not stdcall is used in Windows.
You will have to study up on Athena to learn what the names of the various widgets are ... I found it helpful to use grep extern /usr/X11R6/include/Xaw/* for a general overview. Note that the class names are strings in assembly; also each of the various 'handles' [widgets, contexts, etc] is simply defined with a DD 0 -- your generic 32-bit variable. The Callback type turned out to be a string defined in the Xt header files; I simply recreated it above.
Another interesting gemis the need to call 'exit' rather than simply using a 'ret' as you would in console mode; the latter causes segmentation faults, most likely due to the XtAppMainLoop call. In addition you *must* provide a pointer to ARGC whether you check the command line or not; hence the 'ARGC: DB 128'.
In case you didn't notice, the Xt asm example is huge and clunky, with a lot of not-so-obvious variable definitions. Having included a lengthy introduction to NASM macros in this issue, I took the opportunity to create an xt.mac file which will take some of the burden off of experimenting with small Xt apps. The InitXt and RegisterCallback macros probably are not ready for prime-time just yet, but they will do for testing purposes.


%macro CLASS 2
%1:    DB    %2,0
%macro WDGTPTR 1
%1:    DD    0
%macro CONTEXT 1
%1:    DD    0
%macro CHARSTR 2
%1:    DB    %2,0
%define XLibAPI EXTERN
%define XtAPI    EXTERN
%define NULL dword 0
%define TERM_VARARGS dword 0
%macro InitXt 2
CONTEXT AppContext
CLASS XtShell, "XtShell"
EXTERN    XtVaAppInitialize
    push dword 0        ;Number of Args
    push dword 0        ;Args
    push dword 0        ;Fallback Resources
    push dword 0        ;argv
    push dword %2        ;&argc
    push dword 0        ;Number of Options
    push dword 0        ;Options Array
    push dword XtShell        ;Class Name (String)
    push dword AppContext         ;Application Context (Ptr)
    call XtVaAppInitialize
    add esp, 36
    mov [%1], eax
%macro XtMsgLoop 0
EXTERN    XtAppMainLoop
    push dword [AppContext]
    call XtAppMainLoop
    add esp, 4
%macro RegisterCallback 1
CBType: DB    "callback",0
    push NULL
    push dword %1             ;CallBack function
    push dword CBType
    push eax             ;CallBack parent (ButtonWidge)
    call XtAddCallback
    add esp, 16
%macro CALLBACK 1
Call_Data_%1:    DD    0
Client_Data_%1: DD    0
Widget_%1:    DD    0
    pop eax
    mov [Call_Data_%1], eax
    pop ebx
    mov [Client_Data_%1], ebx
    pop ecx
    mov [Widget_%1], ecx
%define ENDCALLBACK nop
Most of the macro file should be readily apparent if you are familiar with the NASM macro facility. I did take the opportunity to clean up the callback function, so that the parameters to the callback are saved in variables, but for the most part it does the same as the equivalent code in the preceding asm example.
Now the xthell.asm sample will look as follows:


%INCLUDE "xt.mac"
XtAPI    XtVaCreateManagedWidget
XtAPI    XtAddCallback
XtAPI    XtRealizeWidget
WIDGET    commandWidgetClass
EXTERN    exit

WDGTPTR ptrShell
WDGTPTR ptrButton
CLASS HellButton, "HellButton"
CallbackType    DB "callback",0 ;XtNcallback
ARGC        times 128    DB     0
    push dword 0
    call exit

    InitXt ptrShell, ARGC

    push eax             ;Button parent (ShellWidge)
    push dword [commandWidgetClass] ;Button widget type
    push dword HellButton        ;Button class name
    call XtVaCreateManagedWidget
    add esp, 16
    mov [ptrButton], eax

    RegisterCallback bail

    push dword [ptrShell]        ;Widget Handle
    call XtRealizeWidget
    add esp, 4

Much prettier and hey, only twice as long as the C version! ;)


Next issue I will dwell on Xt/Athena a little longer and come up with some more practical methods of automating the coding process.