Treatment on the hardware side of accessing eeproms
by Dr Fuhrball

5 February 1998

Fravia+ has asked for a treatment on the hardware side of

accessing eeproms. Here it is.

I believe that although this belongs in the dongle section it

also belongs in a new section on cracking hardware. 

The HCU need to expand their horizons to include cracking chips

that include (among others ) pic16xx, dallas 5000, atmel 89c52.

(yes they are all crackable without an ic foundry)

First a small parallel port primer

(quoting from the IBM technical reference 1984)

The parallel printer port consists of an 8 bit output port

(later turned into bi-directional) and a number of handshake

lines. 4 output handshake lines (strobe, auto feed, init, and

select) are all open collector with 4.7k pull up resistors to

+5 volts. There are also 4 input handshake lines (slct, busy,

pe, and ack) The last of which ack is pulled up with two

4.7k resistors in parallel (2.35k).

There exists no power line as such. So dongle designers have

to be creative. Small amounts of power can be pulled off of the

lines with the pull up resistors. The result is that chips used

in dongles must be extremely low power. Therefore cmos chips are

highly desired (cd4000 series, 74c series). In addition many

keys that use storage, have to use the ultra low power eeproms

that are available.

It is also true that pass thru dongles must not adversely affect

the printer which is also attached. This leads to further creativity.

Various timing diagrams for these devices can be found at

microchips web site. (

here is a copy of the schematic for the software sentinel c plus

(an older version part of which is inside the sentinel pro)

The software sentinel pro is the only key i know of that REALLY

uses a custom designed integrated circuit for the job. All other

keys i have seen use standard chips. (Marx dongles included, 

reguardless of what they say)

I apologize in advance for the poor quality of these schematics.

I no longer (temporarily) have the ability to translate hpgl directly

into gif files. And my scanner and i are not getting along.

download the original Dr Fuhrball's gif1.gif (drfugif1.gif = 70418 bytes) 

shiftclicking here, since, unfortunately, this 

gif seems to cause problems inside some version of Netscape, you may 

alternatively see on-line this RESIZED version of it

Here is a copy of the schematic for the microphar and protec

keys. A much more simplified version, but quite real none the less.

download the original Dr Fuhrball's gif2.gif (drfugif2.gif = 35315 bytes) 

shiftclicking here, since, unfortunately, this 

gif seems to cause problems inside some version of Netscape, you may 

alternatively see on-line this RESIZED version of it

And here is a copy of some keys I built for various purposes.

download the original Dr Fuhrball's gif3.gif (drfugif3.gif = 43675 bytes) 

shiftclicking here, since, unfortunately, this 

gif seems to cause problems inside some version of Netscape, you may 

alternatively see on-line this RESIZED version of it

Notice that all these devices have some things in common.

they all steal power from the strobe line, and they all put data

back on one of the input lines.

here is an example of some really trashy dos basic stuff

to talk to these devices.

5 REM Software Sentinel C plus rev B

6 REM change 18 to rbit=abit for rev A

7 REM change 540 to abit for rev A

8 REM change 560 to <> for rev A

10 port = &H378

11 sport = &H379

12 cport = &H37A

13 ibit = &H4

14 sbit = &H1

15 bbit = &H80

16 abit = &H40

17 sbith = &HFE

18 rbit = bbit

19 DIM resp(64)

20 GOTO 2000

50 FOR k = 0 TO 63

100 a = INP(cport)

110 OUT cport, (a OR ibit) AND sbith

120 GOSUB 6000

130 FOR j = 1 TO 8

140 GOSUB 7000

160 NEXT

170 GOSUB 6000

180 GOSUB 8000

200 GOSUB 7000

300 index = &H20

310 IF (k AND index) = 0 THEN 400

320 GOSUB 8000

350 GOTO 420

400 GOSUB 7000

420 index = index \ 2

430 IF index <> 0 THEN 310

450 response = 0

500 FOR index = 0 TO 15

510 GOSUB 7000

530 response = response * 2

540 status = (INP(sport) AND rbit)

560 IF status = 0 THEN 600

570 response = response + 1

600 NEXT

604 resp(k) = response

610 NEXT

620 FOR k = 0 TO 63

625 PRINT CHR$(resp(k) - ((resp(k) \ 256) * 256));

630 PRINT CHR$(resp(k) \ 256);

660 NEXT



1000 a = INP(cport)

1010 OUT cport, (a OR ibit) AND sbith

1020 GOSUB 6000

1030 GOSUB 7000

1050 GOSUB 7000

1070 GOSUB 8000

1090 GOSUB 8000

1110 FOR j = 1 TO 15

1120 GOSUB 7000

1140 NEXT

1200 FOR k = 0 TO 63

1210 GOSUB 6000

1220 GOSUB 7000

1240 GOSUB 8000

1260 index = &H20

1270 IF (k AND index) = 0 THEN 1310

1280 GOSUB 8000

1300 GOTO 1330

1310 GOSUB 7000

1330 index = index \ 2

1340 IF index <> 0 THEN 1270

1350 index = 32768

1360 IF (resp(k) AND index) = 0 THEN 1400

1370 GOSUB 8000

1390 GOTO 1430

1400 GOSUB 7000

1430 index = index \ 2

1440 IF index <> 0 THEN 1360

1450 OUT port, &HFF

1460 SLEEP 1

1470 NEXT


2000 PRINT "Bust a dongel options"

2010 PRINT "read  = 0"

2020 PRINT "write = 1"

2025 PRINT "stop  = 2"

2030 INPUT a

2040 IF a = 0 THEN 2100

2050 IF a = 1 THEN 2200

2060 IF a = 2 THEN 2300

2070 GOTO 2000

2100 GOSUB 50

2110 GOTO 2000

2200 GOSUB 1000

2210 GOTO 2000

2300 STOP

6000 OUT port, &HFF 'clock high data high select off

6010 OUT port, &HFC 'clock low data low select off

6020 OUT port, &H5C 'select on

6030 OUT port, &H5D 'clock high data low

6040 OUT port, &H5E 'clock low data high

6050 OUT port, &H5F 'clock high data high


7000 OUT port, &H5C 'clock low data low

7010 OUT port, &H5D 'clock high data low


8000 OUT port, &H5E 'clock low data high

8010 OUT port, &H5F 'clock high data high