Aug 1998
"Web Doctor V1.5"
( 'Cracking A TimeLock32 Program'  )
Win Code Reversing
by The Sandman 
Code Reversing For Beginners 
Program Details
Program Name: webdoctr.exe
Program Type: Disk Utility
Program Location: Here 
Program Size: 1.8 Mb 
Tools Used:
 Softice V3.2 - Win'95 Debugger
W32Dasm V8.9 - Win'95 Dissembler
Easy ( X  )  Medium (   )  Hard (    )  Pro (    ) 
There is a crack, a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in.
Web Doctor V1.5
( 'Cracking a TimeLock32 Program'  )
Written by The Sandman
The author(s) of Web Doctor  says:-
"Welcome to Blue Sky Software’s Web Doctor.
Web Doctor simplifies your life as a Web Author by automating the tedious job of ensuring that your Web document hyperlinks connect correctly to their targets. Additionally, if you wish, Web Doctor looks for those graphic files that inevitably find their way into your working directory and then never get included in your site. Web Doctor gives you a list of such “lost” graphic files, allowing you to move or delete them with confidence. Also, Web Doctor will calculate the times required to download your Web pages at the most used network speeds."
About this protection system
This program uses a .DLL file called TLock32.DLL (TimeLock) for it's protection system, perhaps they don't know how weak this protection system is!!. I was able to *crack* this protection system in less than 5 minutes and without resorting to using a 'Dead Listing'!. There's no trick to this, once you've *cracked* one TimeLock32 protected program all the others you may come across will be so easy to crack that you'll wonder why anyone would want to use this protect system!.

On successful installation the program creates a webdr.ini file with a number of entries in it, but the one of any interest to us is:

UserName=Trial User
RegNum=575360738917  ; This serial code is the 'Shareware 40 day reg number,
                                       ; and will be different on your machine.

For all registration entries added to your System Registry File load up RegEdit and search for "Blue Sky"

Your 45 Day trial 'counter' is hidden inside a file called which is placed in your C:\Windows directory.

This file is ALSO used to store your *legal* serial number and will look something like this:

910145337588             €íh ìñh ïâù¿ò   [s÷¿ðh ¥íh     º  íh 48537359  ŹFöö0         x77xhsd wb  %ld 0   902389439 ÷¿„s÷¿ íh

The number 910145337588 was the 'Shareware Serial' number for my copy of Web Doctor.
The number 48537359 is the *legal* registered serial number based on my shareware serial #
The 'other' non-ascii letters represent the 'days remaining till expire' and my 'User details', all of which are encrypted.
The Essay 
The moment I saw the familiar 'Nag Screen' telling me I had 45 days to evaluate this software I wasted no time in cracking this babe, no need to create a dead listing, I knew what to look for and how I was going to crack this program.

OK, once you've installed Web Doctor fire it up.  Your greeted with a Shareware nag screen, you'll notice the 'familiar' blue bar at the bottom of the nag screen informing you the number of days you have left to review this software..

From here just click on the 'Purchase' button and fill in your Name,Organisation and a fake Unlock code.

I used:

Unlock Code: 7777777
User Name: The Sandman
Organization: #
Before proceeding with the Registration process press 'Ctrl-D' to activate Softice then type bpx messageboxa then 'x' to leave Softice.
Now click once on the 'OK' button..

Softice breaks... Press 'F11' once and the following message now appears: "You have entered an incorrect code, please contact the vendor".

Click on the 'OK' button.

Softice breaks again, now we in the TLock32.DLL code...

* Referenced by a (C)onditional Jump at Address: :1000224C(C)

:10002278 6800200000       push 00002000
:1000227D 68D0F90010       push 1000F9D0
:10002282 68F0E10010       push 1000E1F0 ;"You have entered an incorrect.."
:10002287 6A00             push 00000000
:10002289 FF159C130110     Call USER32.MessageBoxA
:1000228F 6A01             push 00000001 ;We land here.
:10002291 56               push esi
:10002292 FF15A0130110     Call USER32.EndDialog,
:10002298 B801000000       mov eax, 00000001
:1000229D E9F0FCFFFF       jmp 10001F92

If you check your dead listing ( I just scrolled up Softice's Assembly Window until found a conditional jump statement that jumped to memory offset 10002278) you will see that there is just ONE conditional jump statement that calls this 'beggar off cracker' routine. So lets see what made the program come to our 'beggar off cracker' routine...

Type bc * to clear away any softice breakpoints.
Then type bpx 1000223D
Followed by 'x' to leave Softice.

Web Doctor now runs as normal.  Now go back into the 'Registration Screen' and fill in the User details and the fake Unlock code again then press the 'OK' button once more.

Softice breaks at...

* Referenced by a (C)onditional Jump at Address: :10002176(C)
:1000223D 8D442410              lea eax, dword ptr [esp+10] ;Fake Serial
:10002241 50                    push eax                    ;Save it
:10002242 E809F0FFFF            call 10001250         ;Extend Trail period?

; Call 100001250 checks to see if BlueSky has given you a 'special'
; 8 digit serial number that will give you a further 45 days extended
; evaluation period!.

; The program has a in-built six digit number [619459] that it uses to
; check if you used the 'special' serial number [19996489] that allows
; you a further 45 days to evaluate this software with.
; This call returns '0' in the EAX register if you don't have this 'special
; serial' key, else it returns with EAX = 1 meaning your evaluation period
; has been restored back to 45 days.

:10002247 83C404                add esp, 00000004
:1000224A 85C0                  test eax, eax ;eax =0?
:1000224C 742A                  je 10002278   ;yes? then beggar off cracker
:1000224E C70598FA001001000000  mov dword ptr [1000FA98], 00000001 ;Flag it
:10002258 E883F9FFFF            call 10001BE0 ;now 'reset' trial counter
:1000225D 6A01                  push 00000001 ;back to 45 days.
:1000225F E8ACF1FFFF            call 10001410
:10002264 83C404                add esp, 00000004
:10002267 6800200000            push 00002000
:1000226C 68D0F90010            push 1000F9D0
* StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"Your trial period has been restored."
:10002271 6830E20010            push 1000E230
:10002276 EB0F                  jmp 10002287

If you trace through the above code UNTIL you land on the je 10002278 instruction then you'll come to understand the following:-

All this routine does is to see if you've entered the 'special' extend evaluation serial number, it doesn't check your fake serial number. What this means in plain english is this:

The program has already checked your fake serial number in a different routine to the one we're currently in and found it to be invalid, now it's checking to see if our fake serial number is the 'special' extend evaluation period serial key.  If it's not the 'special' serial number then it sends the program to our 'Beggar off Cracker' routine and displays the message box that informs you that you've entered an incorrect code bla bla...

So we must now find out where the above routine was called from.  If you now examine you dead listing you'll see that it was called from just one place, at memory offset: 10002176

Let's now hop over there...

Type bd * to disable our previous Softice breakpoint.
Type bpx 1000216C which will place a new softice breakpoint 6 instructions above the actual conditional jump that we know will send the program to the routine that checks for the 'special' extended evaluation period when it finds our Unlock Code wrong.

Now type 'x' to leave softice and re-run the 'Registration Screen' again, fill in your User details again as well as a fake Unlock code. When you've done that press that 'OK' button again..

Softice now breaks at:...
:1000216A 50                      push eax ;Save your User Name
:1000216B 51                      push ecx ;Save your Fake Serial #
:1000216C E8AFF1FFFF              call 10001320 ; Check serial's
                                                ; Returns: eax=0 FAIL
                                                ;   OR     eax=1 PASS
:10002171 83C408                  add esp, 00000008
:10002174 85C0                    test eax, eax ;eax=0?
:10002176 0F84C1000000            je 1000223D   ;yes? then check if User
                                                ;wants extended trial time

We're almost there.. It's obvious then, we could perhaps nop out that conditional je 1000223D instruction in which case (if you examine your dead listing) the program will proceed to *register* itself regardless of what Unlock code we use.
However, wouldn't it be better if we try and 'sniff' out the *real* unlock code ourselves, that we if we come across another TimeLock program (highly likely) then it will be safer to go for the serial number rather than patching because the authors of Timelock will one day catch on to their .DLL being patched and place extra safe guards against this sort of thing so even if you nop out the conditional jump you may find other checks further down the code.

Right, once you land at the above code press 'F10' TWICE so than your now resting on the call 10001320 instruction where you must now type T which tells Softice you wish to follow where this call goes to, rather than just skip over it.

If you've done this correctly Softice should take you to this rather interesting routine, which I've commented for you..:)
* Referenced by a CALL at Addresses :100010A9   , :1000216C
:10001320 83EC14           sub esp, 00000014
:10001323 8D442400         lea eax, dword ptr [esp] ;eax = Temp Workspace
:10001327 50               push eax ;Save eax address
:10001328 E843070000       call 10001A70 ;Generate *REAL* serial
                                         ;At this point TYPE D EAX and you
                                         ;will see your *REAL* serial No.
:1000132D 8D442404         lea eax, dword ptr [esp+04] ;eax =*real* serial
:10001331 8B4C241C         mov ecx, dword ptr [esp+1C] ;ecx =*fake* Serial
:10001335 83C404           add esp, 00000004
:10001338 50               push eax                 ;Save eax
:10001339 51               push ecx                 ;Save ecx
:1000133A FF158C120110     Call KERNEL32.lstrcmpA   ;Compare BOTH serials
                                                    ;Returns either:
                                                    ;eax =1 if check fail
                                                    ;eax =
:10001340 83F801           cmp eax, 00000001        ;eax=1? Set Z flag then
:10001343 1BC0             sbb eax, eax
:10001345 83C414           add esp, 00000014
:10001348 F7D8             neg eax
:1000134A C3               ret

Once you have the real Unlock code then re-run Web Doctor and use that serial code to register this babe.
Job Done.
The Crack
None required.

If you intend on using this program beyond it's evaluation period then please BUY IT!
Final Notes 
This essay attempts to show you that programs protected with a Software Protection based on TimeLock32 is open season for *crackers*. Once you've figured it one example of it's use then any others you may come across will offer you little or no resistance against you finding out where it compares the User's Unlock Code against the one it expects you to use.

This technique of sniffing out serial's that are created in memory is commonly known as the 'memory echo' crack, so called because the program compares directly, two memory locations against each other and the use of the system function (KERNEL32) lstrcmpA (list string then Compare) is a classic giveaway to such techniques.
My thanks and gratitude goes to:-
Fravia+ for providing possibly the greatest source of Reverse Engineering
knowledge on the Web.
+ORC for showing me the light at the end of the tunnel.
Ob Duh 
Do I really have to remind you all that by buying and NOT stealing the software you use will ensure that these software houses will be encouraged to producing even *better* software for us to use and enjoy.

Ripping off software through serials and cracks is for lamers..
If your looking for cracks or serial numbers from these pages then your wasting your time, try searching elsewhere on the Web under Warze, Cracks etc.

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Essay by:          The Sandman
Page Created: 5th August 1998