Reverse engineering Calypso 2.40.41 (part 2)
by +MaLaTTiA

Here's the second part of my essay about Calypso reverse engineering. In this text file we will study the way Calypso encrypts its mailbox files, and write a little program which decrypts them. Our next step will be to write a program able to read these mailbox files and get all the information inside them (so, maybe, we will be able to write, who knows, a "Calypso -> Eudora converter"). Of course, if you want to work on this, you just have to mail me and I'll give you some info to start your work! The most important thing you will learn from this tute is... NEVER TRUST ready made programs, check them until you're sure that they do what you want! I thought an additional encryption would have been useful for my mailboxes, but an algo like this can be really reversed by anyone... so now the only thing I want to do is convert my mailbox and start to use another software :)

To learn how Calypso encodes its mailbox files (and, of course, how to reverse it!)
we have to disassemble one of its DLL files. Its name is mailDB32.dll and it's
quite easy to guess that's the right one. Once disassembled, you can see these two
lines in the export list:

 Addr:1000F7D0 Ord:  48 (0030h) Name: mdbDecrypt
 Addr:1000F790 Ord:  49 (0031h) Name: mdbEncrypt

One of the best thing in reverse engineering (compared to cracking) is that this kind
of functions is not hidden, and we have two easy-to-guess names that point us directly
to the procedures we want to study. So, we have a ready decrypting procedure that we
can easily copy if we want to make our program, but it's better to read the encrypting
procedure first: remember, DON'T CHANGE YOUR IDEAS every time you think you've found an
easier way, because it's not always true and could lead you to wrong results... if you
want to do this, BE SURE of what you're doing so you won't change your ideas again
after 5 minutes.
As you should guess, this procedure should load some bytes from somewhere (memory, a
file, who minds... we just know it HAS to read them!), encrypt them in some way and
then save them in another place... So, you'll be easily able to guess that the core 
of the procedure is in the lines from 1000F7B0 to 1000F7C4. And here they are:

:1000F7B0 AD                      lodsd			; load a value in eax
:1000F7B1 F7D0                    not eax		;
:1000F7B3 2C43                    sub al, 43		;
:1000F7B5 80EC43                  sub ah, 43		; sub 43 hex 
:1000F7B8 C1C010                  rol eax, 00000010	; rol eax of 10 (hex)
:1000F7BB 2C43                    sub al, 43		;
:1000F7BD 80EC43                  sub ah, 43		; sub again
:1000F7C0 C1C010                  rol eax, 00000010	; rol again
:1000F7C3 AB                      stosd			; store the new value
:1000F7C4 E2EA                    loop 1000F7B0		; loop

Terribly easy, as you can see! Now, do you know what these commands do? Let me
explain it in a more detailed way:

1) A value is loaded in eax. As this register contains a 32 bit value, we know that 
in this case it should contain 4 bytes per time. The first two bytes are stored in
the "very high" part of eax, the two other ones are stored, respectively, in ah and
al. Look at the table if you didn't understand it:

				|--AH--|	|--AL--|
00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000
1st byte	2nd byte	3rd byte	4th byte

2) Eax is NOTted, that is its zeros become ones and its ones become zeroes. This
operation is done on ALL the bits, so on all the bytes respectively.

3) Value 43 hex is subctracted both from AH and from AL.

4) Eax il ROLled... What is it? Well, ROL (ROtate Left) is an operator very similar
to the "shift" one (that is, it moves the bits in a byte) but all the bits that "go
out" from the byte "come in" from the other side. For instance, if we have


We have this configuration:

EAX before ROL = 00001110
EAX after  ROL = 11100000

On the other side, if we have


We obtain this configuration:

EAX before ROL = 00001110
EAX after  ROL = 10000011

So, if we ROL EAX 10 times (10 hex, remember!) we just put the two bytes in eax
in the place of the first two ones, and vice versa. At this point, you understand
why the sub operations are repeated: the program just takes EVERY byte, invert its
bits and then subtract 43hex from each byte... and they call it "encryption"... bah!

Now, we're not only ready to understand how the decryption routine works, but we
can also guess it: first of all we have to add 43hex to every byte, then NOT it...
and the file is decrypted. In fact the code is:

:1000F7F0 AD                      lodsd
:1000F7F1 0443                    add al, 43
:1000F7F3 80C443                  add ah, 43
:1000F7F6 C1C010                  rol eax, 00000010
:1000F7F9 0443                    add al, 43
:1000F7FB 80C443                  add ah, 43
:1000F7FE C1C010                  rol eax, 00000010
:1000F801 F7D0                    not eax
:1000F803 AB                      stosd
:1000F804 E2EA                    loop 1000F7F0

...easy, isn't it? :)
Now, here's a little source I've made to decrypt a temporary mailbox file. Easy,
plain, good old C code:


int ;

void main (){
    if ((f1=fopen (_argv[1],"r+b"))==NULL){
        printf ("\nFile not found!\n");
        exit ();

    f2=fopen ("","w+b");
    while (!feof(f1)){
        fputc (c1,f2);

    fclose (f1);
    fclose (f2);

(c) .+MaLaTTiA. 1998.

WARNING: this tutorial is published for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES only! Nobody except you is responsible for what you do with the things you read here. Also, if you intend to use shareware programs for a period longer than the allowed one remember that you have to BUY them!