August 1998
"Cracking mIRC v5.41"
Win Code Reversing
by KLee8084 
Code Reversing For Beginners 
Program Details
Program Name:mirc32.exe
Program Type: Chat program for IRC
Program Location: HERE  
Program Size: 900 K
Tools Used:
Softice V3.2 - Debugger
Easy ( X )  Medium (  )  Hard (    )  Pro (    ) 
There is a crack, a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in.
mIRC v5.41 Cracking
Written by KLee8084
mIRC is one of the best programs available that allows you to chat with other people over IRC (Internet Relay Chat). If you use this program, I think that you should pay the author...he deserves it.
About this protection system
The program calculates a registration number based on the name entered. There are two seperate calculations: the first for the parts of the reg number before the '-' (yes, the program DOES look for a '-'); the second for the parts of the reg number after the '-'. It is a very simple protection scheme.
The Essay 
After you install this program, run it. Got it running? Good. Now, try to register it using your name and a fake registration number (don't forget the '-' in between both sets of numbers. Example: 1234-5678).
Click on "Register!".  Did you hear the beep just before the message box popped up?
Press CTRL-D to go into Softice.
Remember that beep that you heard? Well, there is a function in user32.dll that is called MessageBeep.
Type bpx messagebeep to break when that function is called.
Now, type X to go back to the program.
Enter the name and registration number again and click on "Register!".
We are thrown back into Softice at the start of USER32!MessageBeep. Press 'F11' to step out of the function and back to the calling routine.

:0043D257    PUSH 00
:0043D259    CALL USER32!MessageBeep

Scroll upwards to see what caused the program to jump to :0043D257.

:0043D1BF    CALL 0048E608           <- Check Name and Registration Number
:0043D1C4    TEST EAX, EAX           <- Is the Registration Number legit?
:0043D1C6    JZ 0043D257             <- If zero, then bad cracker!
:0043D1CC    PUSH 004C8358           <- Start of Good Code

Now ask yourself: "If I were a programmer, and I wanted to make sure that the calculation routine worked, what would I do?" Answer: Why, set a breakpoint on the call at :0043D1BF, of course!
Clear your breakpoints by typing bc *
Now, set a breakpoint on the call at :0043D1BF by typing bpx 015F:0043D1BF (note: the 015F is the code segment, and it might be different on your computer).
Type X to return to the program.  Ready? Enter your name and fake registration number again (and...DON'T FORGET THE '-').
Click on "Register!"  Bang! We are now at:

:0043D1BF    CALL 0048E608

Do you see that there are two interesting PUSH instructions just above this call?
:0043D1B5    PUSH 004D1E70
:0043D1BA    PUSH 004D1BB4

Type d 004D1E70. Hey, the fake number!
Type d 004D1BB4. Hey, your name!

Ok. Press  'F8' into the call.

F10 until you reach:

:0048E615    CALL 004B39C8    <-routine to calculate length of Name

If you look at the three instructions above this call, you will see (by dumping them) that ESI now contains the fake number, and EBX contains the Name. Notice how only EBX (containing the Name) gets pushed before the call.
F10 over the call.
This routine was redundant, really, as EAX already held the length of the name that you had entered. Did the programmer really think that the name was going to change AFTER you clicked on "Register!"?

:0048E61B    CMP EAX, 05
:0048E61E    JAE 0048E624        <- Jump if name is at least 5 characters in length

F10 until you reach the next call:

:0048E626    CALL 0048E528

F8 into this call.
F8 until:

:0048E534    PUSH 2D

If you type ? 2D you'll see that it is a '-'. So, the program is going to be looking for a '-' in the registration number.
F8 into the next call at:

:0048E537    CALL 004B3974

Here we have a routine that is going to count the number of characters/numbers in the registration number that you had entered.

:004B3978    MOV EDI, [EBP+08]        <- Fake reg number in EDI
:004B397B    MOV EDX, EDI             <- EDX now holds fake reg number
:004B397D    MOV ECX, FFFFFFFF        <- Setting up for a count

Note: anytime you see FFFFFFFF being put into ECX, you are most likely at the start of a routine that determines the length of some string or number.

:004B3982    XOR AL, AL                <- Zero out AL
:004B3984    CLD        <- CLear the Direction flag for a string operation
:004B3985    REPNZ SCASB               <- While not 0, scan string byte
:004B3987    NOT ECX                   <- ECX = length of string + 1
:004B3989    MOV EDI, EDX              <- EDI holds fake reg number
:004B398B    MOV AL, [EBP+0C]

Ahhh...AL now holds 2D. So. The program IS going to check for a '-' in the reg number.

:004B398E    REPNZ SCASB                <- While not 0, scan string byte

You DID put a '-' in your registration number, didn't you? If not, then please do so and then return to this point.

:004B3990    JNZ 004B3998         <- No '-' found? Then jump, bad cracker!
:004B3992    LEA EAX, [EDI-01]    <- Fake reg number from '-' to end of
                                  <- number in EAX

F8 until you return from the call.

:0048E53C    ADD ESP, 08
:0048E53F    MOV EBX, EAX     <- Fake reg number from '-' to end of number
                              <- in EBX

:0048E541    TEST EBX, EBX    <- IS there a number in EBX?
:0048E543    JNZ 0048E54C     <- If not 0 there is!

At this point the program jumps to :0048E54C if there is a '-' in the fake registration number.

:0048E54C  MOV BYTE PTR [EBX], 00 <- Zero out the '-' in the fake number
:0048E54F  PUSH ESI

If you type d ESI you'll see your fake number without the '-'.

:0048E550    CALL 004B8D5C

F8 into this call.
F8 until:

:004B8D66    MOV AL, [EDX]

This puts the first number in your fake reg number into AL.
F8 until:

:004B8DA0    CMP AL, 30         <- Is it a '0'?
:004B8DA2    JL 004B8DA8
:004B8DA4    CMP AL, 39         <- Is it a '9'?
:004B8DA6    JLE 004B8D90

What this routine does is check to see whether the reg number character in AL is between a 0 and a 9.
F8 through the checking until you reach:

:0048E56A    CALL 004B8D5C

At this point, in case you didn't notice, the program put the '-' back in the fake reg number.
F8 into this call until you return (well, you CAN hit F10 if you really want to).
F8 until you reach the next call:

:0048E577    CALL 004B39C8

Notice that just before this call the program pushes EAX, which holds the name that you entered.
F8 into this call.
If you study this routine, you'll see that it again seems to count the number of characters in your name.

F10 until you return from the call.
Now, F8 until you reach:

:0048E594    MOVZX ESI, BYTE PTR [ECX]
:0048E597    IMUL ESI, [EAX*4+004CCB30]
:0048E59F    ADD EBX, ESI
:0048E5A1    INC EAX
:0048E5A2    CMP EAX, 26
:0048E5A5    JLE 0048E5A9

Hmm...looks like a calculation routine to me!
F8 until the conditional jump at :0048E5AE no longer jumps:

:0048E5AE    JL 0048E594

Next, you'll see a CMP instruction:

:0048E5B0    CMP EBX, [EBP-04]

If you check to see what EBP-04 is, you'll find the hex value for the first part of your fake reg number. To get this (if you really don't want to look at the upper-right corner just above your data window in Softice), type d EBP-04. See the first numbers in the data window? (Example: 1617:00034567  FD 02 00 00 00 00......). Take the numbers that you find there (in my case they are FD 02) and reverse them: 02FD. If you type ? 02FD (or whatever your numbers were), you'll see that it is the first part of your fake registration number (before the '-').
If you now type ? EBX you'll see what the program is looking for. Write this number down.
Disable your breakpoints (type bd *) and set a new one at that CMP instruction.
BPX 015F:0048E5B0 (the 015F is the Code Segment. It might be different on your computer).
Now, type X to return to the program.  Oops...back in Softice. Type X again to return to the program. Put in your name and the value that you wrote down (that EBX held at :0048E5B0). After that number, put a '-' and whatever other numbers that you want. Ready?

Click on "Register!"
Ok. We're back in Softice at the CMP EBX, [EBP-04] instruction:

:0048E5B0  CMP EBX, [EBP-04]  <- Are they the same? (they SHOULD be, now)
:0048E5B3  JZ 0048E5B9        <- Yes? Then jump.

F8 until the conditional jump at 0048E5EE no longer jumps:

:0048E5EE    JL 0048E5CD

Note that the whole routine that you just traced through calculates the second part of the REAL registration number.
F8 past this JL 0048E5B9 instruction.

:0048E5F0    CMP EBX, [EBP-08]

Could it be? Yes, it is! If you look at the value at EBP-08, you'll see that it is the second part of your fake number. What, then, does EBX hold?
Type ? EBX
Well, what do you know! The REAL second part of the registration number.
Write this number down (the decimal part of it without the leading zeros).
Clear your breakpoints (type bc *).
Type X to go back to the program.
Enter your name, as usual.
Now, enter the first number that you wrote down + '-' + the second number that you wrote down (in my case it is 3559-259043).
Click on "Register!"
Ahhh...the smell of success!
Program cracked.
The 'Crack' 
Final Notes 
With this essay, you now have enough information to create a key generator for mIRC (providing, that is, that you know how to program in one of the various programming languages)...
As a final note: in this program there are a number of "easter eggs" that can be reached from the "About" screen. I'll give you two of them: click on the programmer's nose (yes, his pic is there) and you'll hear it squeak...The next "easter egg": right click on the "About" screen. If you look carefully, you'll see a bouncing dot above the 'I' in mIRC. Now it's up to you to find the rest...*grin*
My thanks and gratitude goes to:-
Fravia+ for providing possibly the greatest source of Reverse Engineering
knowledge on the Web.
+ORC for showing me the light at the end of the tunnel.
Ob Duh 
Do I really have to remind you all that by buying and NOT stealing the software you use will ensure that these software houses will continue to  produce even *better* software for us to use and more importantly, to continue offering even more challenges to breaking their often weak protection systems.
If your looking for cracks or serial numbers from these pages then your wasting your time, try searching elsewhere on the Web under Warze, Cracks etc.

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Essay by: KLee8084
Page Created: 11th August 1998